MRI Expert Addresses Chiropractors, Physicians at PSI
Pacific Imaging Center (PIC) recently hosted a presentation titled “A Sports Medicine Approach to MRI of the Spine” by Dr. Jay Kaiser, founder of National Orthopedic Imaging Associates. Nearly two dozen area chiropractors and physicians attended the event at Pacific Surgical Institute in Longview on March 12th.

Dr. Jay Kaiser of National Orthopedic Imaging Associates
Kaiser, who has published and lectured extensively on advanced diagnostic imaging of the lumbar and cervical spine, addressed how the use of specialized MRI techniques has enabled MRI to produce more specific diagnosis of neck and back pain.
He also discussed axial loading of the lumbar spine utilizing a new device produced by DynaWell that is available at PIC. A lecture, live demonstration, and MRI interpretation were included.
“Part of our mission is to make current services and technology available to area residents,” said Jack Berry, RT, Director of Imaging Services at PIC. “We’re very pleased with the feedback we received from those who attended.”
Because patients are lying down during typical MRIs, the spine is not compressed, as it is in the standing position. As a result, the scan may not reveal some lower back problems. Axial loading compresses the spine during the MRI to simulate a standing position. Research shows that this produces a more accurate scan and may open the door to a new range of treatment options.
Dr. Darin Shook of Advantage Chiropractic and Massage in Longview was impressed by Dr. Kaiser’s presentation and the potential benefits of axial loading. “I came away very confident about Pacific Imaging’s procedures and professional expertise,” Shook said. “And the axial loading device should provide us with an enhanced ability to diagnose spinal injuries and conditions.”
Additional information about axial loading is available in a video featuring Dr. Kaiser (, a video about the advantages of the DynaWell L-Spine (, and an article from the American Journal of Neuroradiology titled “Axial Loading During MRI Imaging” (